Sunday, November 27, 2016

Learning Through the Spirit

Anatomy is literally us learning about the vessel that our Heavenly Father has provided for us. That is humbling!

Thankfully, we have the opportunity at BYU to openly talk about our connection with God and His creations in our lives. That’s why the first time I walked into the Education in Zion, a quote hit me very powerfully:
“You must not attempt to teach even the alphabet or the multiplication table without the Spirit of god.” – Brigham Young

This struck very true to me. I remember learning at the very beginning that anatomy is not so much memorization as it is understanding a new “language” of sorts. And we discover this new language every time that we go into the class and participate in engaged, inspired learning. This awesome quote from Education in Zion really helped me understand just how vital God is in our education, and how important being inspired of Him is in order to progress both spiritually and temporally.

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